
All filtering related query parameters begin with filter.

Most list endpoints in spaces are filterable and for every list, every field is also filterable by field name. The most basic example is: filter[$target]=$value. The target would be the field name and value is the value you wish to filter for.

An example might be title and basic usage would look like filter[title]=test. I.e. show me the deals which have a title containing test.

To filter by multiple fields simply add more filter query params such as filter[title]=test&filter[isHomepage]=true

Currently Spaces only supports filter[title]=tes which is, by default, a contains operation so will match on test, testers etc. We will be bringing further filtering support as shown below in future

A more advanced version would be filter[$target][$operator]=$value; e.g. filter[title][in]=test,hello. The operator is optional. It defaults to eq but can be any of the following:

eq foo Value is equal to

in open,closed Value exists in comma-separated list of values

likefoo Value is like (uses wildcard). Wildcards at start at end is like "contains", just at the start would be "ends with", and just at the end would be "starts with"

gt 2018-02-26T00:00:00Z Value is greater than

gte 1 Value is greater than or equal to

lt 2 Value is less than

lte 3 Value is less than or equal to

Currently Spaces does not support alias names in filters, but we aim to make this available in future

There can also be an “alias” given to a filter; e.g. filter[$target][$operator][$alias]=$value. The alias is optional and will default to the $target if omitted. Aliases can contain [a-zA-Z0-9-_].

The alias allows the API user to build more complex conditions to filter on. By default every filter provided is put together with AND. What if you wanted “this filter or this other filter”? Or “this or not this other filter”? That’s what filter[binding] is for.


$expression can contain aliases and symbols;

If a binding is given it must contain all provided filters.

& = and -- Example: a&b

| = or -- Example: a|b,[object Object]

! = not -- Example: !a

() = Brackets -- Example:
(a|b)&c,[object Object]

If a binding is given it must contain all provided filters.


If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to contact us at

Filter Binding Sample

GET contacts  