Sample body for POST requests
The beginning of an awesome article...
Update Project samples:
Update Project owner:
"project": {
"projectOwnerId": "238860"
Add project to another company
"project": {
"companyId": "114489"
Archive Project:
"project": {
"status": "inactive"
Make Project Active
"project": {
"status": "active"
Enable Project Channel
"project": {
"chatChannelEnabled": 1
Update an existing custom field V3:
Update an existing custom field
"customFieldId": 2300,
"name": "Update field name",
User Preferences
"person": {
"notifyOnTaskComplete": true,
"notify-on-added-as-follower": true,
"soundAlertsEnabled": true,
"notify-on-status-update": true,
"textFormat": "TEXT",
"useShorthandDurations": true,
"userReceiveNotifyWarnings": true,
"userReceiveMyNotificationsOnly": true
User daily report preferences
"person": {
//Receive daily 'Project Report' email?
"receiveDailyReports": true,
"dailyReportSort": "DATE",
"receiveDailyReportsAtWeekend": true,
"receiveDailyReportsIfEmpty": true,
"dailyReportEventsType": "ALL",//set to MINE to include only events the user is attending
"receiveDailyReportsAtTime": "7",
"dailyReportDaysFilter": 14,
"allowEmailNotifications": true
User permissions
"person": {
//Permissions Tab
"administrator": true,
"canAddProjects": true,
"canManagePeople": true,
"autoGiveProjectAccess": true,
"canAccessCalendar": true,
"canAccessTemplates": true,
"canAccessPortfolio": true,
"canManageCustomFields": true,
"canAddCustomReports": true,//Can user create Custom Reports?
"canManagePortfolio": true,
"canManageProjectTemplates": true,
"canViewProjectTemplates": true,
"canViewSchedule": true,//Can this user access resource scheduling?
"canManageSchedule": true,//Can this user manage resource scheduling?
"canManageTimeReminders": true,
Full body sample
"person": {
//Essentials Tab
"email-address": "",
"first-name": "First Name",
"last-name": "Last Name",
"company-id": 110969,
"user-type": "account",
"isClientUser": false,
"workingHours": {
"entries": [
"weekday": "sunday",
"taskHours": 0
"weekday": "monday",
"taskHours": 8
"weekday": "tuesday",
"taskHours": 8
"weekday": "wednesday",
"taskHours": 8
"weekday": "thursday",
"taskHours": 8
"weekday": "friday",
"taskHours": 8
"weekday": "saturday",
"taskHours": 0
"sendInvite": false,
//Details tab
"title": "Support Lead",
"phone-number-office": "",
"phone-number-office-ext": "",
"phone-number-mobile-countrycode": "IE",
"phone-number-mobile-prefix": "21",
"phone-number-mobile": "0122362806",
"phone-number-home": "+1 844 819 3456",
"phone-number-fax": "0314963229",
"email-alt-1": "",
"email-alt-2": "",
"email-alt-3": "",
//Address tab
"address": {
"line1": "Address Line 1",
"line2": "Address Line 2",
"city": "City",
"state": "State",
"zipcode": "Zipcode",
"countrycode": "US"
//Profile tab
"profile": "",
//Notes tab
"privateNotes": "",
//Social tab
"userTwitterName": "",
"userLinkedin": "",
"userFacebook": "",
"userWebsite": "",
"im-service": "Twitter",
"im-handle": "",
//Localization Tab
"language": "EN",
"dateFormatId": 1,
"timeFormatId": 2,
"timezoneId": 144,
"calendarStartsOnSunday": "yes",
"lengthOfDay": 15,
"changeForEveryone": false,
//Permissions Tab
"administrator": true,
"canAddProjects": true,
"canManagePeople": true,
"autoGiveProjectAccess": true,
"canAccessCalendar": true,
"canAccessTemplates": true,
"canAccessPortfolio": true,
"canManageCustomFields": true,
"canAddCustomReports": true,
"canManagePortfolio": true,
"canManageProjectTemplates": true,
"canViewProjectTemplates": true,
"canViewSchedule": true,
"canManageSchedule": true,
"canManageTimeReminders": true,
//Preferences tab
"notifyOnTaskComplete": true,
"notify-on-added-as-follower": true,
"notify-on-status-update": true,
"userReceiveNotifyWarnings": true,
"userReceiveMyNotificationsOnly": true,
//Preferences tab > Daily report email
"receiveDailyReports": true,
"receiveDailyReportsAtWeekend": true,
"receiveDailyReportsIfEmpty": true,
"soundAlertsEnabled": true,
"dailyReportSort": "DATE",
"receiveDailyReportsAtTime": "5",
"dailyReportEventsType": "MINE",
"dailyReportDaysFilter": 2,
"avatarPendingFileRef": "",
"removeAvatar": false,
"allowEmailNotifications": true,
//Preferences tab > Editing
"textFormat": "TEXT",
"useShorthandDurations": true
Create a reminder:
Create a reminder:
"reminder": {
"threshold": 80,
"time": "18:00:00",
"frequencyRRule": "FREQ=DAILY",
"isActive": true
Update a task reminder:
set to a single user
Reminder date on task due date
Update a task reminder
"reminder": {
"note": "Hey, don't forget about me!",
"type": "EMAIL",//SMS,PUSH
"date-time-utc": "2023-09-06T10:07:45Z",
"user-id": [
"isRelative": false,//Set to true to follow task due date
"id": "593057",
"peopleAssigned": false,//true when reminder is set to all task assignees
"assignToMultiple": false,
"assigneeDetails": [
"id": 238860,
"label": "Marc Cashman",
"firstName": "Marc",
"lastName": "Cashman"
"usingOffSetDueDate": false
Alter "user-id" and "assigneeDetails" arrays to include multiple users
"user-id": [
"assigneeDetails": [
"id": 238860,
"label": "Marc Cashman",
"firstName": "Marc",
"lastName": "Cashman"
"id": 369453,
"label": "Adrian Kerr",
"firstName": "Adrian",
"lastName": "Kerr"
Update a task reminder
set to all task assignees
Reminder date 3 days before task due date
Update task reminder
"reminder": {
"note": "Gentle reminder to review this task",
"type": "EMAIL",//SMS,PUSH
"date-time-utc": "2023-09-12T20:00:00Z",//Date must be set based on relative days and task due date
"user-id": [
"isRelative": true,//Set to true to follow task due date
"relative-number-days": "3",//Positive number refers to days before task due date ie: 3 = 3 days before. Negative number refers to days after task due date ie: -2 = 2 days after task due date. O = On due date
"peopleAssigned": true,//true when reminder is set to all task assignees
"assignToMultiple": false,
"assigneeDetails": [
"id": "-3",
"label": "All people assigned to the task",
"firstName": "All people assigned to the task",
"lastName": ""
],//Auto assigns reminder to all task assignees
"usingOffSetDueDate": false
Add a budget expense to a project - internal
Add a budget expense to a project
"budgetExpense": {
"cost": 1000,
"description": "Petrol"
Update My Board > Board: /boards/:boardId.json
Update My Board > Board
"board": {
"name": "App Review",
"description": "Description here please",
"color": "",
"projectIds": "732893,739377", //replace ids with your project Id's
"columns": [
"In progress",
"Global review"
], //Your columns will be different to my test site
"userIds": "{userId}" //User Ids for shared access
Update many task custom field values at once The custom fields must have data already so that you can capture the unique id for the custom field value.
Update many task custom field values at once
"customfieldTasks": [
"id": 78570,
"customfieldId": 2794,
"value": "Value in bulk 2"
"id": 78569,
"customfieldId": 2558,
"value": "Submitted"